With the Law Office of Robert L. Berlin, we can guide you through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen.
Through the immigration process of naturalization, an individual can become a citizen of the U.S. if you weren’t born in the U.S. or did not acquire citizenship immediately after birth. The only way to become a U.S. citizen is through naturalization.
Once you become a citizen, you can register, vote, hold a U.S. passport, serve on a jury, and participate in other benefits. In order to become a U.S. citizen, you must meet the following basic requirements:
Good moral character.
Knowledge of the U.S. history and government.
Ability to speak, write, and read English.
Attachment to the ideals that the U.S. upholds.
Favorable disposition toward the U.S.
Residence in the U.S. for a specified time period.
To begin your application, contact the Law Office of Robert L. Berlin today to discuss this process further. The process can be long and painstaking, sometimes taking six months to go through, which is why it is crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced and equipped attorney who has participated in this process before. We will help you prepare for your interview and acquire the documents necessary to fulfill the naturalization requirements. The best possibility of being granted citizenship is through the support and guidance of an attorney who specializes in this area.