Important Requirements for Becoming a U.S. Citizen

The path to becoming a United States citizen is one that is often clouded. There is a vast amount of false information out there, fantastic tales of how difficult it is, and general fog that clogs up the journey to citizenship. If you are trying to work towards becoming a United States citizen, it can be helpful to have professional assistance throughout the path. An immigration attorney in Jacksonville, FL, like those of us at the Law Office of Robert Berlin, know the law inside and out, the requirements from top to bottom, and can be the perfect guides to get you where you want to be.

English proficiency

Being able to read, write and understand English conversationally are requirements to becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States.  However, you may be able to bypass the English proficiency requirement if you are of a certain age and have been a green card holder for a certain amount of time.  You may also be exempt from the English proficiency requirement based on a medical exemption. Find an immigration attorney in Jacksonville, FL that can help guide you towards what fundamentals you need to know.

Defining a Good Moral Character

Do you think that you are a good moral character? It is one of the big requirements of U.S. citizenship, and it all comes down to what your behavior was before you started the application process. After you apply, research is going to be done into what type of life you lead before you started applying. Good moral character is something that is demonstrated by paying taxes when needed and having a clean record from a criminal standpoint.Good moral character is something that can be interpreted in so many different ways. It also comes down to how well you are going to be able to explain yourself. If you maybe had a small hiccup with the law in the past, that does not mean that you fail this qualification. One of our immigration attorneys in Jacksonville, FL can help fight for you and also help highlight all of the great things that have been accomplished thus far by you.

Testing Requirements

This test has 100 different questions that are all about civics. You are going to have to answer up to 10 of these various questions, and answering six of them correctly is what is going to allow you to pass and move on.The questions are going to be based on civics alone and will also piggyback off of the knowledge that you have hopefully gained to date in the areas of history of the country and the government. The more that you work with an immigration attorney in Jacksonville, FL on your citizenship, the more prepared that you are going to be.The big areas of focus that you want to hone in on when looking at United States citizenship are the necessary testing that goes along with it, what it means to be a good moral character and having some knowledge of the history of the country and its government. Tying all of these things together and having someone from our team by your side can lead you to become a U.S. citizen before you know it.


How to Gain Asylum in the United States


Requirements for Applying for Asylum